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要点は次のとおりです。Bella は、間違いなく当社のラインナップの中でカルト的な人気を誇り、女性に必須のモデルです。スキーに何が必要か、何が欲しいかに関わらず、ぜひ試してみることをお勧めします。これは売り文句ではなく、十分に獲得した評判です。


信じられないですか? 周りに聞いてみてください。きっとわかります。毎日使うスキー板に合うように 1 足買ってみたものの、たいていの場合は Bella を履いている女性がたくさんいます。このスキー板が 20 年近く女性用ラインのベストセラーの定番であるのは偶然ではありません。


パウダースノーで遊ぶために生まれたこのスキー板は、深いロッカー ライン、プログレッシブ マウント、ツイン チップ プロファイルにより、柔らかい雪の中で旋回、スラッシュ、はしゃぐことができます。足元のキャンバーと長く伸びた有効エッジにより、雪が固くなっても溝を掘るのに問題はありません。驚くほど機敏で、驚くほど安定している Bella は、ミッドファットのパウダースキーを、ハッチバックに放り込んで天気予報を忘れるような万能な乗り物に感じさせます。




Here’s the deal: The Bella is without a doubt the cult-favorite, must-have women’s model in our lineup—so much so that we’d recommend you try it regardless of what you think you need or want in a ski—that isn’t a sales pitch, it’s a well-earned reputation. 


Don’t believe us? Ask around—you’ll see. There are plenty of ladies out there who picked up a pair to compliment a daily driver only to find that more days than not, there’s a pair of Bellas on their feet. It’s not by chance that it’s been the best selling staple of the women’s line for nearly two decades.


Born to play in powder, its deep rocker lines, progressive mount, and twin-tipped profile let you pivot, slash, and frolic in the soft stuff. Camber underfoot and a long extended effective edge make no issue of laying trenches when things firm up. Surprisingly nimble and impressively stable the Bella makes a mid-fat pow ski feel more like a do-all, be-all, toss-em-in-the-hatchback-and-forget-the-forecast kind of ride.


We won’t go so far as to say it’s a perfect daily driver for everyone, just know that this ain’t no powder-specific ski to keep in the back of the closet under lock and key. Try a pair, you’ll see. 


Ride Style:Freestyle
Rocker : Mustache Rocker
Price : \148,500-(Tax inc) 
Lengths : 152,162,172,179
Mount Point : -5cm
Weight(1/2pair)&Radious :


Woodcore : POPLAR/PINE
Sidewall : ABS

Base : 7500 CARBON BASE

Edge : 2.2 Euro Edge


The best-selling women’s ski in Moment history isn’t going anywhere. Born to play in powder, the Bella features Mustache Rocker for energy and grip underfoot in any and all conditions, while its deep rocker lines let you pivot, butter, and frolic in the fluff. In between storm cycles, the Bella’s long effective edge lets you drop it low and lay trenches in the hardpack, while those same rocker lines that make it a storm surfer keep it agile and intuitive in trees and bumps. The Bella is without a doubt the cult favorite, must-have women’s model, we’d recommend that you try it regardless of what you think you want or need in a ski. It’s just that good. Don’t believe us? Ask around, you’ll see.

LengthTipWaistTailRadiusEff. EdgeWeight (pair)Mount
152cm132mm106mm125mm15.0m1217mm6.45lbs / 2.93kg-5cm
162cm134mm108mm127mm17.0m1317mm7.21lbs / 3.27kg-5cm
172cm134mm108mm127mm19.0m1417mm7.52lbs / 3.41kg-5cm
179cm134mm108mm127mm21.0m1450mm7.84lbs / 3.55kg-5cm


PriceFrom ¥148,500
GST Included
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